
Ziza Buyer Persona Template

Ever needed to develop a Buyer Persona for your brand and had difficulty deciding on where to start or even the elements needed in a Buyer Persona? This template was designed to help you ease that stress and dive right into developing a Buyer Persona.

 If you are new to Buyer Personas and do not know what they are, here is a summary.


A buyer persona is a depiction of your ideal client. When completed, the buyer persona gives you a mental picture of your client and helps your marketing team design marketing plans and message(s) that align with this person. Looking to read more about Buyer Personas in detail? Click here

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Digital Marketing Strategy Template

Your Digital Marketing Strategy is a compass that directs your marketing efforts. It helps you to make informed decisions, measure your marketing efforts, focus on the important elements and develop a marketing budget.

However, putting together a digital marketing strategy can be stressful and sometimes, it may be difficult to know where to start or the elements to include in your strategy.

This digital marketing strategy template has been developed to take that stress off you and help improve your marketing results. 

Looking to learn more about Digital Marketing Strategy? Click here to read this in-depth article

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A Guide to SMS Marketing

People often ask, is SMS still a viable marketing medium in this digital age? Well, when done right, SMS marketing is still an effective and efficient way of reaching out to customers, engaging them and driving sales. The benefits of SMS marketing range from driving awareness, boosting sales to getting customer feedback etc.

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A Beginner’s Guide to CRM

Customer relationship management” (CRM) can sound intimidating to small- and midsized businesses. After all, if your company only has a few clients/customers, why do you need a dedicated process or system to keep track of them? A few spreadsheets should do just fine, right?

But what happens when business starts to boom? At some point, the organization will need to implement a customer contact management system that’s more organized and streamlined than a mass of spreadsheets. And such a migration could be painful if the decision has been put off a few too many months, or even years.

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